VAJRASANA : Sit and be Fit



Yoga is an excellent way to raise and relax the trinity of body, mind, and soul and it gives us the power to control them.
 yoga is a lot more than a way to burn those extra calories, it is a beautiful medium to de-stress and connect with our inner peace.

  Vajrasana strengthens the body and calms the mind. It is one of the simplest asanas that can be performed after meals. 
Etymology –  vajrasana is derived from Sanskrit word vajra (diamond) and asana meaning posture.
It is believed that after performing this asana on a regular basis your body becomes as strong as diamond.
And how do we do it? Just sit back and enjoy the amazing effects of this asana.
·      Sit down and stretch your legs forward.
·      Now fold the right leg at the knee and place it under right buttock, similarly fold your left leg at the knee and place it under left buttock such that your thighs should rest on your calves and buttocks should be on the heels.
·      Place your hands on lap and keep your spine straight.
·      Now slowly close your eyes and concentrate on breathing.
·      Hold the posture for 5 to 10 mins 
·      Vajrasana is most effective after the meals.

  And how it works?
Vajrasana mainly works on the digestive system. Gastrointestinal tract requires an adequate amount of blood supply to carry out its functions, so poor circulation can lead to improper digestion of food further causing various digestive issues. sitting in vajrasana reduces blood flow to the lower extremities and enhances blood circulation in the abdomen thereby improving the efficiency of digestion.
The better digestion will result in better absorption of nutrients in the body.
It will also give you freedom from the problems like constipation, low appetite, and acidity. 
 Having Radiant and flawless skin is something everybody wants. We all know the fact that skin reflects our you can get that gleaming and healthy skin by improving your digestion with vajrasana.
 It also strengthens the spine and tones the muscles of the lower body.
with regular practice of vajrasana, it brings relief from sciatica, lower backache, and menstrual cramps.
performing vajrasana can calm your mind and can help ease anxiety and stress. It is also a very good meditative asana as it is very simple and efficient to perform.  
 Contraindication: avoid vajrasana if you having any severe spine, knee and ankle injury or have undergone knee surgery recently.  pregnant women should keep their knees slightly apart while performing this asana in order to avoid putting excessive pressure on the abdomen.
Tips; As we all know that most of the yogasanas are practiced on the empty stomach but you will get the best results if you perform vajrasana after your meals as it promotes digestion.
While performing this asana one should concentrate on breathing, the breath should be kept deep and long to achieve good benefits and also to calm your mind.
Don’t tense your body, if you feel any sort of pain while practicing this asana leave the pose, stretch the legs and relax.
Practice vajrasana on regular basis to enjoy its maximum benefits.
love yoga and it will love you more in return.


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