GERBERA : for a splash of color in your garden!
yellow gerbera from my garden |
gerbera flowers can last between 10-14 days on an average in a vase and make excellent cut flowers for arrangements.
Gerbera is a beautiful flower that adds a pop of color to your garden. The flowers come in many vibrant colors like yellow, orange, purple, pink and can grow this plant in a pot indoors or plant it outside. Gerberas are also known to purify air quality by removing the toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene from the indoor air.
straight from my garden |
Sunlight: Gerberas should be potted or planted in the areas where they would receive full to partial sunlight as they grow best and bloom in bright sunlight.
TIP for my friends from cold countries: Gerbera plants cannot tolerate heavy frost, so you need to get the plant indoors and place it in the brightest spot.
watering; You need to give your gerbera plenty of water but never too much to make the soil too moist. water this plant when the top half inch of the soil begins to dry. Gerberas can suffer from root rot if the soil is too soggy. Also never allow the soil to completely dry out.
Pruning: To make your plant bloom properly you need to trim off all the spent flower heads. This will serve to stimulate more blooms and keep nutrients and water from wasting on dying bloom .also, trim all the dead and damaged leaves, this will give the plant a better look and encourage the growth of new foliage.
Indoor potting: Gerbera can grow well as an indoor plant. planter must have proper drainage holes to completely drain off the water and peat moss base.
pests: Gerbera hardly has pest problems, however, if your plant gets infected by them then you can simply use organic neem spray.
fertilizing: Gerbera needs a tone of nutrients, my mother uses tea waste as a good fertilizer for all our potted plants as it is rich in nitrogen. also, you can add fish emulsion or organic compost to your plant. provide your plant with sufficient nutrients in order get a good bloom.
Gerbera is inexpensive and easily available in all the plant nurseries.
Gerberas from nearby Nursery |
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