POTHOS : Best house plant ever

Pothos are debatably the best and easiest houseplant to grow. I have tried to grow many indoor plants but they demand too much fussing, pothos tops my best indoor plants list .scientific name of this plant is Epipremnum aureum and it is commonly called as Pothos, Money plant, Devil's ivy, Silvervine etc.

what makes pothos a great houseplant?
Though they thrive best in bright indirect light, they live happily in low light conditions also. pothos can be grown both in soil and water with minimal care. This plant is known to remove toxins from indoor air according to the NASA Clean Air Study, thus making it the best indoor plant

 Varieties :
 Pearl and Jade pothos is a beautiful variety of pothos that can add charm to your home with its white and silvery-grey streaks.

Glacier pothos is an eye-catching variety having green leaves variegated with white.

Neon pothos has very beautiful golden yellow foliage with no variegation that can light up any space.

Golden pothos is the most common type pothos you will see around having green leaves variegated with a golden tinge.

Growing Tips :

 Sunlight - The basic rule of pathos is that lighter the colour of the leaves, the more light it requires. They thrive best in the bright indirect light. However, all the above-mentioned varieties of pothos grow well in all low light conditions, this quality makes it an ideal indoor plant.

water-  Always remember pothos need their soil to dry out completely between the two watering sessions. overwatering will obviously lead to root rot. Yellow leaves indicate insufficient watering, whereas dark brown or black leaves are the signs of overwatering.

Soil: use potting soil in order to facilitate proper drainage of water.

fertilizer: make use of organic fertilizers obtained from the vegetable matter at home, fish emulsion etc periodically to get good foliage.

Growing pothos in water: you can effortlessly grow pothos in water and upgrade your indoor green corner. All you have to do is take a cutting of your pothos plant and put it in a glass or vase of water and let it grow.you will observe the growth of roots and new leaves within a few days or weeks.maintaing the level of water is very important. Also, you need to give your plant fresh water supply by changing the entire water from the container and rinse the roots once in 10 days.


propagation: pothos propagates easily through stem cutting.
make sure you sterilise the instrument before using it for cutting the stem. you need to cut the stem at the node.

Note: node is a junction in the stem from which leaves and other branches grow.

pruning: if your plant has become leggy then prune it to make it look bushy and use the cut stems to propagate.

Decor tips: you can add colours into your interior by experimenting with different glass articles and add cut stems of pothos in it, again you can use many varieties of pothos having beautiful different foliage.

so get home the pothos plant and improve the quality of the air you breath as well as add some greenery into your space.

also, try and collect the different varieties of it and make your garden look even beautiful.

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